So Spring has officially sprung here in Okinawa and it is beautiful. But with the warmer temperatures in this tropical area come humidity and rain. I have yet to experience rainy season but I heard it starts in April and basically rains everyday for the whole month. Coming from Oregon I do believe that I have an advantage and that it probably will just remind me of living in Eugene. The only difference is that it is getting so humid here already. My hair and I are pretty nervous about what's to come in the summer months considering humidity and myself don't go well together.... that's okay though because I have mentally prepared myself so it should be fine, right? RIGHT?? sigh…. welcome pony tails and buns for months!
Arthur and I have been having a lot of fun together. I mean, how could we not?! We have been married for 7 months and this just feels like a really long honeymoon. A really long honeymoon where we get to live and experience a different culture, meet lots of wonderful people, and go for long walks at sunset on the beach. Kind of sounds like a profile of “interests”. I like traveling, meeting new people, and long walks on the beach… you get my point.
This is the adorable little classroom I've been working in on Saturdays :) The kids just painted the treehouse last week!
This is the adorable little classroom I've been working in on Saturdays :) The kids just painted the treehouse last week!
Sometimes I forget to appreciate what I have right in front of me at the time. Because I don’t have a job, I get to spend my days hanging out with girlfriends, volunteering, going for walks by the water, and like I am doing so currently, hanging out at cafes and trying Japanese coffees. They really aren't very different from American coffees, but I did see one called “weiner coffee” that I have yet to try and don’t know if I will be doing so haha :)
The bakeries here are seriously so delicious. They have such strange looking things, but they are so good! They have egg salad rolls, hot dogs covered with sauce, cheese rolls- it’s hard to explain without actually showing you and letting you try it though. The sweet pastries range from cinnamon raisin bread shaped like a mouse to french toast covered in powdered sugar and harder than normal. But they are GOOD and I want them ALL. It’s a problem.
I’m currently watching two children (not creepily) play with one of the stray cats that are outside of this cafe I’m in. Have I mentioned they have stray cats everywhere here?? They are usually cute… some can be kind of scary though. You should hear them at night… It sounds like the cats have turned into zombies and are attacking each other. I thought about finding a couple and putting them in our apartment and making them our pets but I really don’t think Arthur would think that was very cute… :)
These "update" posts have been getting harder and harder now that we have settled into life here and I really don't want to bore you guys with what I eat for breakfast, what I saw at the mall, and where Arthur and I have explored to this month. So I tried to keep that part short and expand more on what I have learned since being here. Or at least what I am trying to work on since being here. And one topic seems to keep coming up throughout my days here.
These "update" posts have been getting harder and harder now that we have settled into life here and I really don't want to bore you guys with what I eat for breakfast, what I saw at the mall, and where Arthur and I have explored to this month. So I tried to keep that part short and expand more on what I have learned since being here. Or at least what I am trying to work on since being here. And one topic seems to keep coming up throughout my days here.
ANXIETY. (This post ended up being longer than I intended so I made it it’s own blog post. To read about what I have learned about anxiety, check out this blog post :) )
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