It’s been 470 days, 15 hours, 4 minutes, and about 18 seconds since I said those two daunting words that locked me in forever, “I do”. Who knew marriage would be so challenging?! Oh wait- everyone. Everyone always warned us about the difficulties and challenges in marriage and thank goodness they did because at least I knew what I was getting myself into. Arthur and I recently taught the High School group at our church and we asked them to name forms of captivity. One boy blurted out “marriage!” Arthur and I turned and looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Marriage is like being in handcuffs, tied down, behind bars, in a strait jacket, in Guantanamo bay. Before ya’ll freak out, I’m basically joking.
Marriage is the best. Going to sleep cuddling with your favorite person in the world is almost as good as waking up with their bed-head, bad-breath, tired self. I would be content spending every Saturday in bed eating pancakes and watching movies together (no, not because of the pancakes—well not fully). Thankfully that’s not socially acceptable because it forces us to get out and enjoy the great big world outside of our cute little home. I have learned so much in these past 470 days, and so many things have brought me joy. Marriage is a wake up call for those stubborn, hardheaded, “I think I’m always right”, perfect-in-their-mind people… like Arthur. JK… like myself. (I guess.)
I’m so thankful I married Arthur. It’s been amazing. Not only have we drawn closer to each other, I draw closer to the Lord each day through our marriage. All the negative features you never knew you had come out and you start to realize that you can be real crazy at times. You realize how much you need the Lord, as an individual and how much your relationship needs to be centered on God. You also see how the person you married has been perfectly placed by God, and how much more you can do together than you could ever do apart. There have been hard times, especially at first, but the more we learn about one another and the stronger our love gets, the more I fall deeper and deeper in love with this man that God has placed into my life.
So here is my quickly-put-together list of some of my favorite parts about marriage.
- Think slumber party err’ night.
- Overanalyzing becomes a thing of the past. No more worrying about whether or not the way he texted you was because he doesn't like you anymore.
- Lifelong travel partner.
- You have someone who will love you through all life's ups and downs.
- You get to take care of each other. When you're sick, you get a personal chef and blanket tucker-inner and when your spouse is sick, you get to play doctor.
- You begin to understand what the other is thinking without even saying a word. (Oh.. he did that look? I agree babe, lets go.)
- You have someone to be crazy with. Impromptu dance parties, Canada trips,
screamingsinging in the car, it's all included. - You become a better person (because you realize ALL ZEE FLAWS).
- Teamwork. Finances, Russian babies, important decisions, household chores, you have a teammate to help you figure it all out.
- Life is full of infinitely more laughter. Laughing at each other, laughing at things you see together, or just laughing because you're in love.
There are about ten thousand more reasons why marriage is the best, but I won’t bore you with the sappy details. All I know is that I have thoroughly enjoyed marriage thus far and I can’t wait for all the days to come. Although marriage makes me extremely happy, I have to realize that marriage is not to make us happy, but to make us holy. Marriage should help us become more like Jesus. My prayer for our marriage is that we will further the Kingdom of God and make disciples of Jesus, whether directly or indirectly. Life is so short. We need to spend it loving God and loving others.
...and you get to be super heroes together! |
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