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Showing posts from November, 2015

470 Days of Marriage

It’s been 470 days, 15 hours, 4 minutes, and about 18 seconds since I said those two daunting words that locked me in forever, “I do”. Who knew marriage would be so challenging?! Oh wait- everyone. Everyone always warned us about the difficulties and challenges in marriage and thank goodness they did because at least I knew what I was getting myself into. Arthur and I recently taught the High School group at our church and we asked them to name forms of captivity. One boy blurted out “marriage!” Arthur and I turned and looked at each other and nodded in agreement.  Marriage is like being in handcuffs, tied down, behind bars, in a strait jacket, in Guantanamo bay.  Before ya’ll freak out, I’m basically joking.  Marriage is the best. Going to sleep cuddling with your favorite person in the world is almost as good as waking up with their bed-head, bad-breath, tired self. I would be content spending every Saturday in bed eating pancakes and watching movies together (no, no...