Do you ever notice how some people are always happy and seem to always be surrounded by good things? Maybe good things always happen to them, or they always seem to win or be in the "right place" at the "right time". What makes these people unique? How do they always seem to have the best of everything or seem like they are always happy? The trick? Positivity. Not just that however, but I narrowed it down to 6 similar characteristics all of these so-called "lucky" people have in common.
1. They make the best out of every situation.
This is hard for A LOT of people, including myself. However- it's key to creating a happier life. The art of remaining positive even amidst trials is their forte. If something goes wrong, don't try and change the situation by getting angry, change the situation by changing your attitude. Change your mindset to think that "maybe this will be even better".
2. Their personality attracts good things.
Now we can't say that "well, we just don't have the right personality", because this is something you can work towards. A positive personality is something anyone can have. Positivity attracts positivity. Try going a day and just being optimistic. Stop complaining, nagging, arguing about pointless things, and just be grateful. I guarantee that good things will happen to you.
3. Their personality attracts good people.
The same goes for this one. When someone is smiling, they are much more approachable than someone with a scowl on their face. When you look mean or angry all the time, people tend to stay away from you. When you smile, or just a friendly wave or "hi" in passing, you will bring a lot more happiness your way. People will smile back, someone may strike up a conversation, or someone who may be having a bad day will find themselves feeling that much better.
4. They remain positive, even in hardship.
Now I'm not saying that if you smile and think positive thoughts, that your life will automatically become 10x better. That's not the truth. But if you adapt the way you handle difficulties in your life, and you embrace them rather than constantly try to run from them- it will make a world of difference. Lets say two people are at the grocery store. One person goes through a checkout line- already frazzled, late for an appointment, the grocery line is long and there is a slow grandma in front of them. When you huff and puff and look annoyed, it can cause stress and anger in other people as well, possibly creating problems that will make the line go even slower. If you smile, are patient (because there is really nothing you can do to make the line go faster), and just relax, the checker will notice, the people in front of you will notice, and everyone will seem a little more at ease.
Some of the happiest people I know have been through the hardest of times. I believe this is because of their positive and optimistic attitude that everything will be okay.
5. They keep anger out.
It's easy to think angry thoughts about an event or even about a person. It's easy to smile on the outside, even when you're fuming on the inside (for some people). I've learned that even with a smile on your face, people can sense your anger in one way or another. If I'm angry at my husband and just try and fake a smile, the situation always gets worse because I let the anger dwell inside of me and I eventually explode. When I truly in my heart cool down and forgive him for what I'm angry about, it's so much easier to be happier, a true happiness- not a fake smile. Cool down from what you're angry about, forgive the person or move past the situation, and truly be happy- don't fake it-you won't make it.
6. They do things for others.
Selfishness is the root of bitterness, anger, and sin. When all you can think about is "what can I do for myself?"or "how can I be happier?", things don't tend to go your way. It's only when we do things for others-without expecting something in return, that we feel happiness. I know that when I do something nice for another person, seeing their smiling face or their happiness brings me joy of my own. You may not receive anything back from anyone any time soon, if ever, but spreading joy to others will bring you infinite amounts of joy that you wouldn't receive just thinking about yourself.
So that's my list. What do you guys think? Are those true? Do you have more to add or take out? Leave a comment below and let me know what you think! We are all on the journey of life together, so please be kind to one another, forgive one another, and... stay positive! Things will be okay.
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