It's been almost two and a half weeks since I posted a blog post which is crazy... it hardly seems like it has been that long. Some days go by really slowly... like the week I was sick and the week we moved. Other days seem to fly by. I really love it here. It is a great place to live. If all our family and friends were here- I would probably move here for good. Okinawa is generally a really safe place. There are 5 year olds walking down the street, tons of people out at night, and everyone continues to be so nice. The weather so far has been good! It has rained maybe 5 times, been sunny a few, and mostly cloudy and in the 60s the rest of the time. I was expecting warmer weather though so we don't have very many jackets so to us, it seems freezing! Which I don't mind cold weather, so I like it. Plus- I heard that the summers here get really humid and hot. Can't wait to check out my hair in that.... ;)
Some days it's cloudy like this...
Other days it's like this...
And yet other days can be like this... The weather varies a lot here. (not as extreme as OR.)

All I know is that every day we have been here, rain or shine, windy or stormy- the island is beautiful.
We moved into our apartment off base on Friday, January 9th and it has been amazing! I love the location- we are right on the seawall with lots of restaurants and shops and scuba places all around. This is the view from our apartment:
We just heard from the shipping company that all of our stuff is expected to arrive February 1st so we are so excited! Once we actually have furniture in our apartment, I'll take pictures and post them :). As for now, we have the one bed we bought, a blanket were we have dinner "picnic" style... and a few random things that Jackeline left behind for us thankfully. She left some pots, pans, dishes, towels, sheets, a desk, and silverware- so thankful for that. Especially since we have been trying to cook dinners at home now. Our apartment is wonderful though! I can't wait to get all of our stuff- which seems like it has taken forever to get here.
Dinner! |
The Tuesday before we moved into our apartment, our hotel called and told us that we only had reserved a room until Wednesday and that check out was at 11. Arthur called the hotel to see if we could stay another two nights until we move into our apartment but our hotel we were in was all booked. Luckily they had another room available in a different hotel so we spent Tuesday night and Wednesday morning packing everything (we have a lot), and moving it to our cars. Wednesday morning we went to the main lobby to check into our other room and SURPRISE! They had our same room we were in available... This was bittersweet considering we spent a lot of time packing everything up and rushing to get out but we liked our room and at least we wouldn't have to pack on Friday morning so we were happy with it.
Two Wednesdays ago, we attended a different church off base called Neighborhood Church. The whole church was fasting that week so the Wednesday service was different than normal, we just sang and prayed a lot. Arthur and I really liked it there!! Everyone was so friendly, the worship was really good, and the pastor seemed great too. We ended up going this last Sunday to a service and it was good! I am pretty sure we will be attending that church. We both really liked it.
The church we will be going to |
Taken 3 came out last Friday so Arthur, myself, a guy Arthur works with, and Jackeline all went to see it and it was SO good! I think I just like all of those movies...and Liam Neeson. After the movie, Arthur and I headed to look for some dinner. We found this really cute Bistro and had such good food. So far, one of my favorite restaurants here is a little cafe about a 5-10 minute drive from our apartment that serves the best soup, smoothies, and sandwiches ever. I'm pretty excited because most of our favorite restaurants are within walking distance from our apartment or only a short drive away. We also found this really good Hawaiian restaurant that serves such good acai bowls. MMMM
drooling... |
drooling some more.. |
Last Saturday, I went to a class to become a soccer referee for the youth programs here on base. The class went from 9am-4pm where we learned a lot of different things. I think it's about time I give back to all the referees who had to ref my games throughout my lifetime (poor refs). I'm pretty excited to start but kind of nervous to face crazy parents and sassy little boys and girls haha.
Last sunday funday was ruined by yours truly due to the unfortunate event that I got sick. I'm not pointed any fingers to who got me sick but it was Jackeline. ;) So I spent a couple days last week relaxing at home. Which made me realize how fortunate I am to have such an incredible husband who will make me soup when I'm sick, run errands for me, massage my back, etc. It's been about 5 months that we have been married and it's been wonderful. I love being married. It's kind of hard trying not be selfish, stubborn, or cranky towards him (and vice-versa) but we are growing and learning and maturing and it's great. Each day I love him more and more. Anyways... sappiness over ;)
This weekend and week has been really fun so far. We went to church on Sunday, then headed North. We stopped at a couple flea markets and some farmers markets on our drive- they were interesting. Most of the flea markets were selling either military uniforms, Jiffy peanut butter, marshmallows.. American goods. AND they were expensive!
I'm so thankful we have the Commissary here so we can get most of our groceries for a good price. Except produce. Most of the produce I've seen on base here has been really expensive. I saw three apples in a container for $10.10! Strawberries and raspberries were around $6.00 for a small carton, and we bought a pear here for like $5.00... It was really good...and really big, but still expensive. We've now been shopping for produce off base at farmers markets and grocery stores that seem to sell them for cheaper. I did find these canned berries from OREGON on base if we ever want some home cuisine ;)
Arthur and I have been trying to walk every night after he gets off work on the seawall... 1) for exercise. 2) it's beautiful. 3) Walks= lovely conversations with my husband.
On Sunday night, we went to a comedy show on base with three different comedians. It was hilarious, but I have to say my favorite part is when Arthur was picked to do a dance off... Safe to say he rocked it and everyone thought it was awesome, even the comedian when he got off stage said something.
At the comedy show :) |
Arthur had Monday off due to MLK day and so we drove down to Naha and checked out some stores we had been wanting to. One was a showroom which had really cool appliances and rooms set up.. The Japanese really love simplicity and efficient design and it showed in all of the setups.
At the showroom |
We also stopped at like 10 moped stores because they are everywhere! We checked out prices, which really aren't bad at all. There are such cute ones! And pink ones!! But before we would be able to buy one- we have to take a motorcycle endorsement class, yay.
Tonight (Tuesday), I went to the Okinawa Enlisted Spouses Club "January Social" and it was so much fun! We all had to bring 5 of our favorite things (the same thing) and then we would draw names and choose whose favorite things we would get to take home. They have a social every month so I'm pretty excited about that!
It's hard to believe it's been about 6 weeks that we've been here, but we are loving every moment of it. Arthur is enjoying work and we have been having a great time exploring and doing different things. My mom booked her flight to visit us in August which will be awesome!! I can't wait. We still miss all of our friends and family back home and hope everyone is doing well :).
Until next time, Sayonara!!
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