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Where did summer go?

It has been extremely long since I have written in this blog last... I think it may be because I haven't had homework or tests to procrastinate from, or I have just had a busy summer.  

The road trip, which seems like forever ago was a complete success.  We all had such an amazing time.  There was a lot of bonding (I guess that is expected when you're stuck in a car for 7 days with the same people), a lot of laughter, a few arguments, not much sleep, a lot of driving (5400 miles), good food, awesome sights, and A LOT of pictures. Not to mention...TAYLOR AND ERIKA GOT ENGAGED!! It was adorable.  I had never witnessed a proposal before that and it was even cuter than I could ever dream up! 

As I mentioned before, we took a red eye flight to New York (don't do that if you can't sleep on planes.. ahem *Arthur).  We got into New York at 530 AM where Erika was waiting to take us back to her parents house.  Our original plan wasn't to rent a car, but Arthur was going to buy one so we didn't waste any money from the rental.  He found a great one that he liked in DC so we shoveled down french toast at Erika's parent's house quickly and then Arthur and I were headed to DC to check out this car that he really liked.  The buses for DC leave out of the city near times square so him and I took a train (Arthur's first time..he slept the whole way), and got into the city.  We had to wait around for Chase bank to open at 9am and our bus left at 915.  We rushed to get the money to pay for the car and hopped on the urine smelling bus.  It was nasty.. Luckily it was only 4.5 hours to DC.  ONLY?! Did I mention it smelled like pee?? Arthur continued to talk to this private seller of the car and told him we were on our way so he told us he would wait for us so we could look at it.  4.5 hours later we finally got there and walked off the nasty bus, excited that we wouldn't have to ride it back. Arthur texted the guy who was selling his car as we got off the bus, to see where he wanted to meet.  He received a text message back saying he had just sold the car 30 minutes ago and thank you for your interest. 
....Arthur was disappointed but we made sure to laugh about it and make the most out of our day.  We walked a couple blocks to the White House, and it was a beautifully sunny day.  We had a picnic in the grass across from the White House, Arthur car shopped a little more on his phone and I basked in the sun and the humor of the day.   Unfortunately we couldn't find another car, so we hopped on ANOTHER urine bus and we were headed back.  We got into Times Square around 930 where we had to find the train station to get back to long island.  The next train didn't leave until about 11:30pm so we headed out and walked along Times Square, which looks awesome at night.  We grabbed some pizza and waited for about an hour and then headed back to the train station where we hopped on the train back for Long Island.  Luckily everything went well and we got back to the final station in Long Island around 1:30am, where Taylor and Erika were waiting for us and took us back to her parent's house.  We were both exhausted so we headed to bed and were ready for a new day. :)  

 Sleepy baby :)
 White House.
Times Square

That was our first official day on the trip, and it was already an adventure.  This post is long enough, but when I write back I will talk about the proposal! And the beginning of our trip :). But for now, I suppose I will get back to working. Psh ;)



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