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Showing posts from August, 2013
Things I don't understand completely: Credit Card companies that don't accept your application because "insufficient credit information".... how do they expect someone to get credit if they don't give them a credit card?! When job searching, entry level jobs that REQUIRE at least 1-2 years of experience in that industry.  If all these jobs are like this, where do these companies expect a person to get experience if someone can't get a job because they don't have experience?? Rant: over.

Where did summer go?

It has been extremely long since I have written in this blog last... I think it may be because I haven't had homework or tests to procrastinate from, or I have just had a busy summer.   The road trip, which seems like forever ago was a complete success.  We all had such an amazing time.  There was a lot of bonding (I guess that is expected when you're stuck in a car for 7 days with the same people), a lot of laughter, a few arguments, not much sleep, a lot of driving (5400 miles), good food, awesome sights, and A LOT of pictures. Not to mention...TAYLOR AND ERIKA GOT ENGAGED!! It was adorable.  I had never witnessed a proposal before that and it was even cuter than I could ever dream up!  As I mentioned before, we took a red eye flight to New York (don't do that if you can't sleep on planes.. ahem *Arthur).  We got into New York at 530 AM where Erika was waiting to take us back to her parents house.  Our original plan wasn't to rent a car, but...