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Showing posts from February, 2016

Holiday Hustle and Travel Bustle

AMAZING. Why is it that when you look back at your life, everything seems to fly by, but in certain moments, say a long day at work or a presentation you are in the middle of giving, time seems to inch by ever so slowly? The saying “time flies when you’re having fun” is so true. The fact that Arthur and I have been in Okinawa for more than a year now, and we only have around 10 months left is c.r.a.z.y.   The thing is, time isn’t going to stop moving, and the moments that creep by will seem like a snap-of-the-fingers in a month’s time. The best thing to do right now is just enjoy life. Don’t wait to do that thing you’ve been dying to do and don’t be scared to learn something new. While buying fancy cars and extravagant toys for yourself may seem fulfilling now, a study shows that one of the main things that bring happiness is the community you surround yourself with and the relationships in which you create and maintain. I think one of the best things about living in Okinaw...