SHOUT OUT TO ALL MY FANS!!!! **NOTE: I wrote this post in September after my mom and Rich left but I've been meaning to add pictures (because what is a blog without cool pics) and I didn't get to it until JUST NOW so it's a tad bit late. Ah there is so much to say and so much has happened but time just flies by and I forget so bear with me :). I hope you enjoy this update! Although it's very late and very long (sorry I went picture crazy). Because Okinawa is still beautiful and I'm still in awe every sunset. It has been a busy, wonderful couple months, hence why I have not written a blog post in a while. Aside from the "routine" of going to work, cooking dinner, and binge-watching Chuck (the show), some exciting things have been happening. Prepare yourselves people. 1. Arthur and I celebrated our one year anniversary and if you didn't catch our cheesy love-bird Facebook posts, now you know. This year has hones...
Daughter of the Father, wife to the love of my life, lover of travel & passionate about living a life worth telling.