Names are only so helpful--> but pictures! That's what draws people in. Could be a memory of a time, or the feeling you get when you picture yourself in that situation. The power of photography is huge . Pictures can take you back to a moment you had-- one that you could never go back and repeat, and it gives you joy. Photography can also cause laughter, and quite frequently--embarrassment. For those pictures, thankfully there is a delete button. But compare this post to my last one. Instead of the names of all of the cities and countries to visit on a Eurotrip , try pictures . See if it entices you more. These pictures correlate with the list of cities in my previous blogpost... but I will have to split it in half and show you the first fifteen in this post, the last 16 in the next.. :)
Daughter of the Father, wife to the love of my life, lover of travel & passionate about living a life worth telling.