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Showing posts from February, 2014

No words needed.

Names are only so helpful--> but pictures! That's what draws people in.  Could be a memory of a time, or the feeling you get when you picture yourself in that situation.  The power of photography is huge . Pictures can take you back to a moment you had-- one that you could never go back and repeat, and it gives you joy.  Photography can also cause laughter, and quite frequently--embarrassment.  For those pictures, thankfully there is a delete button.  But compare this post to my last one.  Instead of the names of all of the cities and countries to visit on a Eurotrip , try pictures .  See if it entices you more.  These pictures correlate with the list of cities in my previous blogpost... but I will have to split it in half and show you the first fifteen in this post, the last 16 in the next.. :)


I found this on Pinterest and decided that if Arthur and I do decide to trek across Europe, this is definitely the route we would take. Also, the next blog post will be pictures of all these beautiful places, so stay tuned!


So amidst these wedding plans... Arthur and I stepped back and tried to ask ourselves... Would we rather spend a couple thousand on one wedding day, or would we rather travel Europe for 2-3 months.  At first I think we were kidding, only hypothetically speaking.... Now we are actually questioning it.  What to do, what to do.....


Well, the moment almost every woman waits for in her life occurred for me at the beginning of this month. No, it wasn't getting my license.  No, it was not graduation high school.   No, it was not turning 21.   No, it was not graduating college.