Japan is a very special, unique little place. Well- it’s not THAT little. Especially when it holds a population of around 127 million. But what makes Japan so great? Because as soon as you step on their soil, you know there is something wonderful about the place. I’ve compiled a list of interesting characteristics about Japan and its people that have captured my love for this foreign, hello-kitty loving, beautiful place. CUSTOMER SERVICE. I haven’t been somewhere that has such great customer service. They will literally run to get you what you asked for, or run around to try and make sure that the customer is happy. I once asked about a product in the grocery store and they ran to the back of the store, bagged up what I needed, and ran it back to me in under two minutes. 2. CUSTOMER SERVICE IN RESTAURANTS The customer service in restaurants is quite different than in the U.S. Typically, they hav...
As I type this, we are en route to our new home in Austin, TX. I can't really call it a “home” yet because we don’t have a house, apartment, and haven't booked any place to stay when we get there. It should maybe stress me out a little more than it is, but we are just the “fly by the seat of your pants” type of people (sometimes). It was so sad to leave this morning but I am seriously so thankful for all the time we got to spend in Oregon with my family and our friends. We arrived in Oregon almost 6 weeks ago exactly, which seems like we were in Japan SO long ago. I mentioned in my last blog post that the time would fly by in Oregon and it seriously did. We are both unemployed currently, which I guess makes us full time gypsys…. Oregon was wonderful. We stayed with my mom for the whole 6 weeks and we were super busy. I think we were almost gone every weekend. We got a good few days of snow, which made me appreciate that Oregon usually only gets it for a few days and...